About Jack and Billy Puppy Tales
Educational and fun for all the family

Jack & Billy Puppy Tales
A Delightful story following two puppies on different journeys in that all important stage of their life in their new homes. Wonderfully illustrated and informative for all the family.

Steve Goodall is the co author and illustrator of #jackandbillypuppytales. Steve is mad about dogs and passionate about working with them and their families so that everyone learns to get the best from that amazing partnership.
He has been working with dogs for the last nine years and in that time has become a fully accredited dog trainer with the APDT UK. He runs his own fabulous dog training business with his wife Corrin and their two dogs Scooby & Penny, both rescues.
Steve’s speciality is puppies and families and he has helped hundreds of dog owners to understand their new pup and how to provide them with a great start that leads to having a fun-loving confident family pet.
Steve is a keen artist and cartoonist and has loved creating the illustrations for Jack and Billy.

Sally Bradbury is a co author of #jackandbillypuppytales
Sally Bradbury has worked with dogs all her adult life from RSPCA kennel maid in her teens to founding and running her own very successful dog training business for 20 years. She was a founder member of the APDT (Association of Pet Dog Trainers).
Over the years she has given a loving home to many dogs that didn’t get the best start in life. Her passion is helping and supporting new puppy owners on raising their puppy to avoid the many pitfalls that results in so many youngsters being handed into rescues in their first year.
She is now retired and living in Wales with her husband and numerous Border Collies.

I started to smile after only four pages in when I realised the concept, which is brilliant. I couldn’t put it down and at the end, I could barely read for tears of happiness. This is a wonderful book.

Want to know more about Jack and Billy Puppy Tales and if their story will continue?